Space-saving automotive connectivity solution

Introducing HFM Mini FAKRA Connectors: Unmatched Performance for Automotive Industry

Experience the best performing coaxial mini-coax connector system with HFM Mini FAKRA Connectors. With space savings of up to 80% and a frequency range from DC to 20GHz, our modular system offers high data rates, cost optimization, and real-time data transmission.


Awesome Feature

Space-saving design

HFM Mini FAKRA Connectors offer up to 80% space savings compared to conventional FAKRA connectors, allowing for a wide range of modules in the smallest of spaces.

High Frequency Range

With a frequency range from DC to 20GHz, HFM Mini FAKRA Connectors provide reliable connectivity for a wide range of automotive applications and protocols.

High Data Rates

Experience high data rates of up to 28Gbps with HFM Mini FAKRA Connectors, ensuring real-time data transmission and optimal performance.

Hottest HFM Mini FAKRA Connector on sale


4Pin Quad Mini Fakra Connector

Autonomous Driving


Right Angle Mini Fakra Connector

Driver Assistance Systems


Mini Fakra Connector For PCB



high speed fakra mini Connectors



 4 Pin Mini FAKRA Cable

Rear Seat Entertainment


Automotive Mini FAKRA Z

highly efficient and reliable


4 In 1 Mini FAKRA Cable

frequency range from DC to 20 GHz


Mini FAKRA Coaxial Cable

Smaller size and less space occupied.

Up to 80% Space Reduction

Space-saving Design

The HFM Mini FAKRA Connectors feature a space-saving design, offering up to 80% reduction in space compared to conventional FAKRA connectors. This allows for accommodating a wide range of modules in the smallest of spaces, making it the best performing coaxial mini-coax connector system for the automotive industry.

DC to 20GHz Frequency

High Frequency Range

With a frequency range from DC to 20GHz, the HFM Mini FAKRA Connectors support high data rates up to 28Gbps, ensuring reliable and real-time data transmission. This makes it an ideal choice for future automotive networks, applications, and protocols, while also complying with all common automotive standards.

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